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Dillon Dhanecha
Legacy Makers Founder
Economist, Speaker and Program Facilitator


Dillon infuses the energy of love with the energy of money in a mission to create an economy absent of fear, greed and scarcity thinking. Born to refugee parents expelled from their homeland, experiencing extravagant wealth as a financial trader and then extreme poverty as a United Nations volunteer, he has navigated the material and spiritual dimensions of money more than most. Drawing on his Vedic influences, deep knowledge of global economics and personal experience of guilt-driven giving and self-sabotaging consumption, he uses his 12-step method to help soulful humans quickly raise financial frequency and open the portal to high-energy money, without fear or guilt.


Connect with Dillon:

IG; @soulmoneymaven

TikTok; @soulmoneymaven

FB; @soulmoneymaven




Emerald Ticket

Amethyst Ticket

Both Tickets include:

Financial Frequency Finder - a free

assessment tool with a free 5-day

Financial Frequency Jump Start


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